Liquid IV Hydration

Fountain Of Youth

Activate skin, hair and nails.

Our exclusive IV Vitamin Hydration therapies have been developed and tested by Liquivida, a 503b registered compounding pharmacy. These essential vitamins and minerals replenish the body to help you feel better, provide more energy, and prepare you to fight off illness.


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Natural Defense

Attack sickness head on, naturally.

If you’re feeling under the weather or are already sick with the common cold or flu, this high dose of vitamin C and other nutrients will boost the immune system, so you can bounce back quickly and live life to the fullest.


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Rise and Shine

Exhausted from little to no sleep?

If you’ve had a long night out, this mix of essential vitamins and minerals replenishes electrolytes, rehydrates the body and boosts your energy levels in just a few minutes.


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Chelation Therapy

Remove Calcium Plaques and Heavy Metals from your Bloodstream.

This formula includes ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) which binds to calcium located in fatty acid deposits (plaques) and other heavy metals in your blood vessels and removes them from your bloodstream. Improve your heart health and detoxify your bloodstream.


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The Executive

Feel sharp and mentally alert.

Fight stress caused by heavy workloads and long business days. This drip also helps you recover from jet lag, while giving you a sense of sharper memory and focus, so you’re alert and in the present.


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The Myers Cocktail

Party Hard, recover faster.

Drinking alcohol causes a depletion of essential vitamins and minerals from your blood stream. This vitamin mix of Vitamin B Complex, thiamine, and Vitamin C replenish those lost throughout the evening.


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Slow down the aging process with this master of antioxidants.

Encourage cell revitalization and regeneration, while you detoxify the liver, and drastically improve how your skin looks and feels. Achieve a brighter skin complexion and a youthful appearence after a series of treatments.


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Simple Hydration

Replenish your body with natturrall fluids.

0.9% Normal Saline is used by hospitals clinics as the mainstay to hydrate patients through IV Therapy. Dehydration occurs for many reasons including excercise, travel or illness.


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Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotid

(NAD+) is a coenzyme that is found in all of the cells of our body. It plays a critical role in DNA repair and synthesizing energy for the cell. As we age, our bodies use more NAD+, and our body produces less NAD+. This results in damage to the cell DNA that gets passed on from cell to cell resulting in an accelerated aging process. Studies have show that supplementing our body with NAD slows the aging process, increases


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NAD+ + Fountain of Youth

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotid + Our Formula to Help Hair, Skin & Nails

Our exclusive IV Vitamin Hydration therapies have been developed and tested by Liquivida, a 503b registered compounding pharmacy. These essential vitamins and minerals replenish the body to help you feel better, provide more energy, and prepare you to fight off illness.


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